How to Ride the Bus
Confirm the timetable and destination.
Line up at the bus stop.
Line up at the bus stop.
Take numbered ticket from the machine when you enter.
Make sure to only take one ticket.
Take a seat if there is one available.
Once your stop is announced, push the button to let the driver know you want to stop.
You should hear a chime if you pushed it properly.
To determine your fare, check the number on your ticket and compare to the electronic fare chart at the front of the bus (prices change according to distance travelled)
Put the correct fare along with your numbered ticket in the fare box.
Watch your step while you are getting off.
Bus Rules
Please greet the driver in a loud voice.
Please take a seat if there is one available.
If no seats are available, please keep hold of the handrail.
Please do not leave your seat while the bus is moving.
Please give up your seat for elderly and passengers with disabilities, expectant mothers and passengers accompanying small children.
Please don’t forget your belongings (bags, bottles, umbrellas etc.).
Please do not make noise on the bus.
Please do not leave litter on the bus.